This was my first light bar, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but overall, I'm pretty happy with this product. unfortunately, it arrived damaged, with a couple of small dents in the casing, because the parts bag head opened and spilled all of the metal parts in the box during shipping, but it wasn't significant enough for me to worry about it. The mounting brackets that it comes with are a joke, but most people get custom mounting brackets specific to their vehicle anyway. It was a pretty straightforward installation, but I recommend you watch a few YouTube videos if you're not 100% confident in what you're doing. after installation, I did not get any of the whistling or turbine noises from this light bar that I have heard other people complain about, but it may be specifically because of how I installed it or the vehicle it is installed on, so I guess results may vary. They sell silencers and other products to help with that noise if you are one of the people who do get it. I tested it out in the backwoods dirt road wilderness of texas, and I am quite pleased with the results. It definitely turned night in today and I have been using it for a couple of weeks now. I'm happy with it, but I cannot give any report as to its longevity. As with anything else, do your research, and make sure you're installing things correctly, and hopefully it works out for you.